Jan 29, 2009

Why no fortune in this cookie?

I have noticed, with some irritation, that I hardly ever get an actual
Fortune in a fortune cookie anymore. Instead, upon extracting the
little slip of paper, I am confronted with a platitude or self-help
suggestion--or an occasional bad joke. (example: "Klazy cookie
fortunes have you going around in circles.") And somewhere along the
way, there was the great idea to add lottery numbers to the back side
of the paper. Double your pleasure!

For a short while, some friends and I attempted to fill the fortune
void with amusing 'self-fulfilling fortunes': "You will soon be
settling a small debt." "You will soon be running to the bathroom." Or
the ever-popular "You will be hungry again in half an hour."

I had all but given up on even reading the things, when one day--lo
and behold, I cracked open the stale sugar-and-eggwhite shell and
found "You will become wealthier and wealthier."

Please send money.