Mar 27, 2009

Yo! How's your brain? (part 2)

I had this great idea about patenting the use of Ramen Noodle 'bricks'
as a low-cost 'green' construction material, but I see that this is part 2 of a blog entry about your brain, so later.

If you heard someone say 'I think I'll go kill off some brain cells",
you'd assume they had serious drinking on their mind (or what's left
of it). But if someone said "I think I'll go grow some new brain
cells", it might occur to you that perhaps the poor wretch had
forgotten to take his daily dose of lithium. After all, we all know
that brain cells die off as we age and are not replaceable, which
inevitably leads to the dimming of the intellect, then forgetfulness,
and then a slow, inexorable descent into hopelessness, alienation,
anomie, and finally down, down, down into the black, bottomless abyss of dementia and 'Depends'.

Whoa! I'll be back in a moment. I need a drink.
[sound effects: clinking glass; pouring sound - short (must be the
hard stuff); another pour; faint vocal "ahhhh...."]

OK. Feeling better! Now here's the good news. Whatever you may have heard about the irreplaceability of brain cells has been proven wrong. Put down that shot glass and listen! I said WRONG! New brain cells can be grown--and I'm talking about in your brain, not in a petrie dish. Which means that we may, in fact, be able to forestall or even avoid entirely the ignominious transformation from dynamic and inspired to desiccated and incontinent.

But this transformation is not forestalled by mere injection of
industrial-strengh concentrations of Gingko leaf, nor by gobbling
the memory pills peddled with extravagant hyperbole on late-night
television. No, kind reader, the challenge requires some effort: No
Pain, No Brain! For the whys and wherefores, you must return to these same talabesian coordinates to read 'Yo! How's your brain! (part 3)

P.S. Don't miss the next mind-restoring episode! Subscribe! (right-
hand column)